All practitioners on this Website abide by the Principles of Integrity as laid out by the Society of Shamanic Practitioners. These are listed below for your information.
To help individual practitioners be effective in service and healing in the world, and to help shift global consciousness, the Society of Shamanic Practitioners believes the following pledges represent the core principles of integrity in this pursuit:
I pledge to work in sacred alliance with Spirit, and to be informed and guided by that Source, and not my own ego, in offering service to others.
I pledge to recognize the wholeness inherent in every person or group or circumstance that comes for healing and to honor whatever form in which its pain is presented to me.
I pledge to be mindful of speech, thought, and action and their impact on building relationships both in the present and through time into future and past.
I pledge to be respectful of others, even in their differences.
I pledge to work with compassion and non-judgment.
I pledge to do no harm and to avoid any sexual misconduct in my work with clients.
I pledge to maintain clients’ privacy.
I pledge to be honest with clients and other practitioners, and to be truthful in the manner in which I present myself in public relations and advertising.
I pledge to offer fair and appropriate fees.
In service to others, I pledge to keep my own life and personhood in balance to the best of my ability.